Monday 10 March 2014

Never give up!!

So hey we've all had mayor dissapointments in our lives...I can name a few in mine without even really thinking. Like when my 1st boyfriend cheated on me in highschool or when my visa for the states to go visit my sister was denied at age 19 due to me being "2 young and 2 single!" at the time...gutwrencing heartstopping dissapointments but little comes close to when you absolutely put your heart on something in a business you've worked ur fingers to the bone for the last 5 years and you get turned down. 

I'm known to be a trusting person, I believe promises and I hold on to them until the day you realise that there's not alot of people in business you can really rely on. I walked into my neighbors office today only to see she has written on her wall "remember why you started!" This really hit home. Sometimes we need to just sit back and look at the situation from the outside and remember why you started, something drove you to make every single decision that you made, a conversation was held or news broke in the industry, something sparked an idea....something got you to where you are now and this is where one needs to decide to not give up! 

Did you know that Henry Ford was broke 5 times without a cent to his name until he reached success or that Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper due to his lack of ideas before he built Disneyland? Abraham Lincoln failed as a businessman at age 22, at 24 he failed again in the same quest, the love of his life died when he was 26 and a year later he had a breakdown, at 29 he yet again failed as a young businessman in politics and at 34 he failed to make congress, this went on until the age the age of 51 he became one of the most powerfull presidents the United States ever had.

I do not for a second compare myself to any of these influencial people, what they did was truly remarkable but I do want to learn from their legacy and if there is one message here it is to "never give up"!!

I got most of the details above from a book I'm reading by Joyce Meyer, this woman was abused her whole childhood by her own father! Can u imagine! And she turned out to have one of the most powerful Ministry's in the world. These are the people I want to learn from. 

On a more positive note we had an amazing 10 day training session in the Zambezi Region, we did this at cost and I hope we changed some lives, here are some pictures...

Now ask me again why I started this project?

The fundraising continues....

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